What spikes , if any, do MBL 101E's owners use?

Anyone have any suggstions on what spikes, if any, they are using on their MBL 101E's? Also, what effects are you hearing with or without spikes?
Hi Cyrus,

too bad but Jan. isn't that far away, when you spoke to Robert did he recommend the SP1-A over the SP1's I currently have.
If so why? Did you inquire about the all brass unit's that Rick from Virtual Dynamics mentioned above in his thread referring them to "STAGE"

I actually pulled up some pics from a show dated back in 2006 showing these platforms from Sound Star "Sistrum" and noticed Virtual Dynamics was actually also exhibiting in the same booth.

Check it out, just go to the bottom of the pics and then up a few and you will see them, some good pics.

Dev, Robert actually thought the SP101 would be the best, but I did not want to raise the speakers that high. We settled on the Sp 1-A with one and a half inch spikes. I believe there are some legal isues with VD and Sistrum that I don't want to go into on this forum, but I certainly side with Robert from what I know.
Hi Cyrus,

oh no legal issues with VD regarding the "Sistrum" product, I was wondering why the strange reply above from "Draudio" Rick Schultz from Virtual Dynamics which now explains why.

Regarding the SP101's, yes those are the ones he also recommended to me, I use those under my mono blocks. Just to let you know they are adjustable for height but would be allot harder to work with. You would need some help to actually lift the speakers and place them on top. They could be used once you have found that spot and don't seem to be moving your speakers any more. I am contemplating about doing this as that seems to be where I'm at.

When you spoke to Robert did he say anything regarding the SP1 and SP1-A differences sonically and preference.
Dev, Roberts order of preference is as follows: !. Sp 101 2.SP1 3. Sp1-A. I am just concerned with getting the tweeters any higher off the floor than they all ready are.
Cyrus, thanks. Regarding the height that was a concern of mine also but prior to actually installing mine I did some experimenting and did not notice much if any variance and in the end was not concerned. You might want to do it also, with your listening chair add a cushion or two which in essence would prop you up higher, obviously this is only for experimenting and see what happens.