What spikes , if any, do MBL 101E's owners use?

Anyone have any suggstions on what spikes, if any, they are using on their MBL 101E's? Also, what effects are you hearing with or without spikes?

I had VD Genesis 6ft bi-wire speakers cables originally and then switched over to two pairs of Stealth Dream per speaker so I'm true bi-wired.

From what I have read most MBL users are using Tara Labs, they say the speakers do not like any Silver, there is Silver within the design if the Dream cables but I have not had any negative issues what so ever.

I actually use Stealth product through out my system, two Indra's for IC's between dac to pre and from pre to mono blocks in XLR connection.

I use a Sextet digital from transport to dac, AES connection.

All power cords are Dream, 5 of them.

I have tried a few others and to date I have found that I'm very happy with Stealth within my system and my cable hunt has ended. Once I get my amp situation figured out, it could in the end possibly be more than just amps so my cable situation may change, time will tell.

So did you do any experimenting with listening to the speakers and putting your self at different listening heights. What was your outcome?
Dev, Yes I did and with my listening position fairly low to begin with, it just is not pratical to use a pillow or something to get my ears up to where they would need to be. I will now probably just go with the Sp-1-A with one and a half inch spikes as Robert suggested. I will report back whenever I get them.
Dev, Do you know if you can use both the XLR and RCA impits from the 9008's. I was thinking of running my Berkely Alpha dac direct into the 9008's for two channel via a xlr cable and a rca to my pre. for HT.. I don't want to change cables when going from HT to two channel.
Cyrus, I don't know 100% so you should ask some of the MBL owners or post a new thread asking this specific question as you would not want to take the chance of damaging your amps.

With what ever answers you get from others I would still contact MBL to confirm.