Starting over

I recently had to sell my "last" system. The whole thing, due to financial reasons. I am starting over at a much more modest price point. My last speakers were B&W N802's, driven my a Mac 352. Now I'm looking to spend a $1,000 or so. Any suggestions would be would be great.
I know! but have you all ever heard one after you do the Absolute Phase Tweak to it? It sounds a lot better!
Hifisoundguy, given your previous long threads about putting plumber's tape on the body of a protection fuse for improved sound, and extolling the virtues of the Clever Little Clock (both extreme examples of far out subjective tweakery), punctuated by sporadic forays into Bose products (the epitome of mass marketing audio crap to an uninformed buying public, and the nemesis of the high end), I question your sincerity.

Like a plastic boom box with $2 Rat Shack quality drivers in it marketed at the audacious price of $1079 belongs in this discussion? Puh-leeeeze.
Hmmm, spend 1000 on a radio, tweak it and still only get a glorified boom box with tiny speakers. For the same money, I can get a pre-amp, amp and speakers on audiogon that simply are not in the same league...
I am just throwing ou my first thought so make nothing of it!

And I have zero interest or relationship, etc, etc

What abot a Peachtree Decco and a pair of small monitors like ERA D3 or something similar but less expensive, used? You'll need a source, but don't need to spend much there, it seems quite flexible, and you'd have a neat little system. And I mean little.

Or a used Linn classic and an inexpensive pari of speakers?

Either would be a bit eore than 1000, but not by much.

Good luck with it!
The shanling is way too weak for anything but the most efficient speakers. Going with any of the Music Halls will get a lot more power and you can get a class A amp which will get you a lot of warmth. I've seen them used for $500-700. 50 watts will drive most speakers.

you are right, highly efficient speakers will be needed.
Isn't it what I suggested in my post?

I would recommend something like Fostex FE168E∑ 6.5" Full Range Sigma Series drivers - about 94.5 db ...which is pretty efficient. Mounted in the horn loaded enclosure ($100-$200 to build) and you have a winner.
A very nice, tube- all in one system that will holds its own in the $1000 price range category.
Bass will be dynamic, punchy with beautiful middle-range and transparency.

But then again.....I could be also WRONG.
