Von Schweikert speakers..

Hello ladies and gentlemen. I would be interested in hearing any feedback from folks who either own or have done A/B comparisons between the Von Schweikerts (any models but specifically the VR4 SR MKIIs or VR4 JR MKIIs) and the Wilson puppies and sophias or the B&W 802Ds. For those of you who own them I would be interested in hearing which amplifiers you chose to drive them and why. Thanks in advance.
I bought my VR-7se's without an audition as well and have been very happy with the purchase.

If you were going to fly anywhere, I would suggest RMAF in Denver this coming weekend. AVS will be there as well as many other manufacturers of fine audio equipment - it would be a great way to get a comparative feel for what's out there. You might even get to meet the now-notorious Albert!!(who, by the way, has provided exceptional support to me, and is 1 of audio's true "good guys" IMHO).

Yes that would be pretty much ideal. I have been on the phone with Albert several times the last few days and have the VS4 SR mkIIs on order. I don't really need to hear them up front with the 90 day trial they offer. I am planning to attend the show in Las Vegas this January. Can't wait.
I don't think you'll be disappointed. And Albert's no crook. Since I have a large room I discussed with him whether I should get the Unifield 3 or the (more expensive) VR5 Anniversary Edition. He convinced me that the smaller Unifield 3 should work just fine and he was right! I couldn't be happier with my purchase.

Your speakers will take a while to break in but your patience will be well rewarded.
"I don't think you'll be disappointed. And Albert's no crook."
Now on both counts it would depend on who you ask.