Exposure vs Classe

Can anyone comment on similarities/differences between the Classe Cap-80 and the Exposure 2010s?

I know one is much older, and there is probably a notable difference in price. Coming from an Audiolab 8000s in which I like the detail and control, but I would like more soundstage and more "life".

Wow! Not as warm as the Audiolab!?! I know I'm a bit of a neophyte, but that suggests to me that the Exposure is positively arctic in its presentation.
Speakers: currently using michael green audio design rev. 60i. Considering switch to tetra 120u. Also tried a pair of totem arro which imaged brilliantly but were very bright.
nice speakers...certainly i don't like painting all british ingregrateds with the same brush, but the classe is going to be more holographic in its presentation. i used to sell audiolab, and i always 'wanted' to like them more than i did. i loved their cd player though.