musical small sub for B&W 805s's

I was thinking about movin gto floor standers but there are things that I like about my 805s's that i have not found anywhere else.
Has anyone had any good experience combining a small sub or two with 805s's? right now I have a 15" sub that leaves just too big a gap.
I like the imaging and upper end but want the punch that I hear with full rangers. Listened to the 804s, 802d's and vienna mozart grands so far. liked the viennas but would really like to find an 8 or 10 inch sub that i could pair with the speakers that I already have.
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Just a quick heads up:

Velodyne has discontinued the SPL-R line (was their "deluxe" models) and they are available at steep discounts. The 8" model was listed at app. $1200, now Audio Advisor is selling them at $600. The larger driver models are available at similar discounts. These all include the 6 band PEQs and auto EQ and are probably worth checking out.

Bob_reynolds: What active crossover and subs have you used (manufacturer and model) and what dictated your choice as opposed to other options?
The problem with larger woofers is that they are slower than smaller ones.

I am not sure where this concept started but there are many who share this view.

IMHO, the single biggest factor in fast or slow designs is the speaker Q or resonance. Overdamped (Q of about 0.5) sound fastest whilst critically damped speakers (0.7) sound moderately fast and underdamped designs (Q of 1.1 and higher) tend to sound slow and often boomy. Unfortunately, the lowest Q designs are the least efficient and therefore they are hard to find. REL appears to be a low Q design (it has low group delay) and this, IMHO, probably has more to do with why they sound more musical than other subs (not woofer size).
I've been using a Velodyne DD-10 with my Signature 805's
for a couple of years now. Depending on the size of your
room they might fit the bill. The software equalization
program that comes with the DD series certainly helps in
integrating the sub to the room.

Good luck