rockport altair any informed opinions?

anyone see, hear and toch this seeming beautiful looking work of art? concidering a purchase but nowhere in reasonable distance to me to check it out at. the closes is 5-6hrs away. is it worth the drive and the price of admission? thanks for experianced opinions.
I don't know where you live. But if practical, you might consider a vacation trip to mid-coast Maine. You could listen to all the Rockport speakers at the Rockport factory in Rockport, Maine, a pretty town between the larger, nearby cities of Rockland and Camden (those two cities are about 15 miles apart). I would recommend Camden as the place to stay, although Rockland has a splendid art museum. In any case, you would have an opportunity to enjoy the coast of Maine as well as hear the speakers.
The Altairs are the best speakers I’ve ever heard. I’ve listened to them on a couple of occasions and they represent the best audio experiences I’ve ever had. They just sound like music. It is also the most beautifully built speaker I’ve seen. These are my dream speakers. You’re very lucky!
I have listened to the rockport Arrakis

And well it was great in a way but finally very boring

I don't believe anymore in speakers that need more than 20W to work well

It does not exist an amplifier mega watt that is musical to my hears

So whatever speaker you put after it will sound poor and disapointing

If you really want to go this way, the only speaker that require power AND is musical is the Avalon Isis

the rest is just SO boring (verity audio, wilson , magico etc)
Blingblingthegod, firstly interesting name you have chosen for your self. You said "I have listened to the Rockport Arrakis"
Refer to the thread title it is for Rockport Altair have you heard these speakers?

Your comment's are very interesting and as per your post they are your opinions, I use to own Avalon Isis and they are not all that so to out rule the others you have makes no sense.

What does your actual system consist of?