Need to replace my Totem Acoustic Arros

Hey guys,

I’m on the market for a new pair of floorstanders. My Totem Arros are great but I am looking for something more. My criteria is as follows:

Will be in a small-medium size room(s)
Must be floorstanding
Must be efficient enough to be driven with 20-30+ watts (possibly tubes)
Must obviously best the Arro in most regards
Looking for something that is refined and organic sounding

I am starting to listen to music with more scale and want something that can keep up with the dynamic swings of classical music. Yet, I listen to a lot of chamber and folk music along with a decent amount of jazz.

Budget is $3,000 new or used.

Speakers cannot be Totems. I've owned just about every Totem on the block and I am looking for something different.

I emailed Harbeth and they said that the Compact 7's are very flexible with amplification.

I did another extended audition today and I have to say that the Compacts will possibly be the last pair of speakers I buy for a long time. They are fundamentally superb in ever regard--and I've sold Totem for four years.
Well if you havent heard your arros paired with a Conrad Johnson Evolution 2000-- id suggest you save your $$$ and try to hunt down one of these hybrid amps. Depending on what musical preference you have.......this combination on Vocal,strings bested both $3300 Proac d15s and $3500 F30s in side by side comparison. The synergy of the CJ and Totem was unbelievable.