Hi everyone,
Thank for sharing your opinions.
As you probably imagine, deciding between the MS4, Stadium 3 and Stentor 3 kept me very busy this last 2 weeks. Eventually, I went for the Stentor 3. I got a very good deal from a dealer in Amsterdam. I've paid 2500 euros for a practically new unit with full warranty (Its normal price is 4700 euro, though one usually gets 10-15% off). The stentor is black. This helped the decision, the stadium was light oak and was not going very well with the rest of the living room. I did not have a lot of time to set it up properly, but after only 20-30 minutes of playing with the crossover and the volume of the rel the sound is quite nice with impressive dynamic. I still have to adjust the position, it is in the corner but I did not have time to move it around. For the moment the crossover settings are B1 (A6 also works well).
I was also able to listen to the MS4 hooked up to an all lyngdorf system, i.e. the integrated SDAI 2175 using the power amp SDA 2175 as a controllable amplifier (I do not know what that means and the dealer wasn't able to explain it to me) and the CD1 cd player. I've spent about two hours with this system and I listened to songs that I new very well. (I brought my own cds.) However, I could not bring my speakers to the dealer so, I am basically comparing the MS4–lyngdorf system vs. my system at home, i.e. helicons 300 with musical fidelity A5 amp & cd player.
The MS4-lyndorf system sounded very good, though not exceptionally good. Nevertheless, an all around solid performance. As I have expected the Helicon 300 and the MS4 have similar sound. However, the MS4 is clearly a better speaker. Everything sounded clearer, more articulated, and better focused and controlled on the MS4. Obviously, the MS4 have also better bass, but the improvement in the lower department was not as dramatic as in the rest of the categories I mentioned above. The MS4 still need a subwoofer in order to be full range speakers.
In defense of the helicons 300, I can tell you that they provide al least 90% of the performance of the MS4 for a third of the MS4 price (half of the price if you buy the very expensive but beautiful helicon stands). The helicons are more responsive (do not really know how to explain this exactly), they are also somehow more involved (in a good way) in the music (if this make any sense). It is possible that the slightly lack of articulation and focus of the helicons is drawing me more into the music and gives me the impression that the speakers are more vibrant, whereas all those little extra things that I could hear with the MS4 somehow distract me from the music by keeping me excited (which is not bed either). Finally, I should also mention that I find the helicon 300s with the stands more beautiful then the MS4s.
I can not tell to what degree were the lyngdorf electronics responsible for the differences I heard. But I do not think that they are that much better (or better) than the musical fidelity A5 combo, though I might be mistaken. If any of you have experience with the two amplifiers / cd players I would be happy to hear your opinions on this matter.