Speakers that can be placed against the wall?

I have finally decided to do something I promised myself I would do when I got out of college (just took about 20 years to make it a priority)...Get an upper-end stereo system. My problem is I live in a small house and need to be able to place the speakers against the wall. The room is about 18' x 13' with the speakers located against the long (18') wall. I will be able to keep the speakers away from the side walls but they need to stay close to the back wall. I like Jazz, don't usually listen at loud volumes, but would like to have a speaker that will sound good with most types of music (not asking much, am I?). I don't want to spend more than about $4-5K for the speakers (I'll probably buy used). This is the first component I want to buy for my system. I'm probably going to use a tube preamp and solid state amp (or monoblock amps). Any recommendations for speakers that can be placed against the rear wall, in a smallish room that can give good soundstage and imaging? Or should I take up knitting?
Some Linn, Klipsch, and some high end home theatre speakers too, such as Thiel, Vandersteen, etc... Check the archives.
The Kitty Kat from North Creek Music Systems is a speaker that is made to be placed with in a few inch's of the wall. They can be built as a kit or ready made and use very high quality drivers [ Scan Speak ] woofers and a choice of tweeters a North acoustics or Scan Speak .
Save some $$$ get great sound and excellent support and have a look at Phase Tech's Premier collection... even the older PC series is a good thought as the company can and will refit any or all of that series drivers, x overs etc. if needed. I have one pair thaty went well over 20 years before needing anything... another pair that is now about 11 years old and needs nothing and all can sit quite close to a wall. Actually it's prefrferable for them to be within 18 inches.

you'll need only about 30 or 40 watts per to run 'em with. More is better though, but not a lot more. They've played very well indeed with 60wpc tube power amp at about half of it's power band.
Aerial 6's worked quite well up against or near the wall, but require power. Beautiful finish, in my opinion, with excellent build quality. May be a bit bass shy...as it was for my tastes. I seldom see them on the used market.