Parasound Zamp v.3 Runs Too Hot

I have a Peachtree Audio iDecco (for sale), running a Parasound Zamp V.3, to Totem Acoustics Arro floorstanders, and I usually play music loud because the system is in my upstairs bedroom. The other day when running my system loud for about a half hour, the amp shut off automatically and the display indicated "Hi-Temp". The speakers are 6 ohms and the amp will run 60 amps into them, so with that said, is there a better budget amp that will run my speakers loudly for a sustained amount of time without running too hot? Is it a matter of 6 Ohms drawing too much current for most amps?

Please give some advice/recommendations for a budget setup.

Thank you.
You could get another amp just like the one you have and bridge them.
Not a good idea. Minimum impedance for the amp in bridged mode is 8 ohms, and the speaker is 6 ohms. This will definitely make it run too hot.

What's your budget for an amp? New or used?

Poor little amp. Not quite designed to drive those hard. Totems aren't terribly efficient.
Also, if you are cranking like that you might overdrive the amp and end up blowing your speakers...