Good speakers for a low budget

Hi, I am helping a friend find speakers for around $600. Aesthetics are a high priority. Thank you.
Used was the idea. As far as specifics go, the speaker should be musical (she likes to dance), not too bright, and they should sound relatively good outside their sweet spot (she likes to listen to music while cleaning). Thank you for your suggestions.
go to the pioneer website, and check out the 'whisky barrell' speakers. they sound great...beautful woodwork, and they are close to your #s and brand spankin' new. also check out av123 as well.
If you can find them used the Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1 would be a great choice -- great looks and superior sonics. Ditto the Epos M5, or you could get the ELS-3 new for about 400 bucks and obviously even less used.

Noticed there's a new pair of Silverline Minuets for sale here for $490. Another great choice.

As far as imaging outside the box you might consider the Gallo A'Divas if she's into balls (for looks I mean).

Hard to see going wrong with any of these. Best of luck.