What a concept ... someone who buys equipment and actually holds on to it. So most likely, your friend will hold on to this equipment for another 15 years. So, she wants stuff that will sound good, look good, and last another 2 presidential elections. So, let's think systems.
I don't like buying used. I prefer to buy close-outs, look for deals, etc. If you were to look at new clearance items that Audio Advisor is offering right now, you could do the following pairings. I own or have owned this equipment at one time or another and have paired it together over the last 6 years.
NAD amp/ Energy speakers ($633)
NAD receiver/ Energy speakers ($833)
NAD amp/ NHT speakers ($950)
NAD receiver/ NHT speakers ($1150)
Cambridge Audio amp/ cd player/ Energy speakers ($933)
Cambridge Audio amp/ cd player/ NHT speakers ($1250)
The links:
1. NAD receiver at 500
2. NAD amp at 300
3. Energy speakers at 333
4. NHT speakers at 650
5. Cambridge Audio amp at 300
6. Cambridge Audio CD player at 300
Another option is to buy a $1600 pair of speakers for $800 like these Spendor 3se and gradually grow a system around them.
Best regards,
I don't like buying used. I prefer to buy close-outs, look for deals, etc. If you were to look at new clearance items that Audio Advisor is offering right now, you could do the following pairings. I own or have owned this equipment at one time or another and have paired it together over the last 6 years.
NAD amp/ Energy speakers ($633)
NAD receiver/ Energy speakers ($833)
NAD amp/ NHT speakers ($950)
NAD receiver/ NHT speakers ($1150)
Cambridge Audio amp/ cd player/ Energy speakers ($933)
Cambridge Audio amp/ cd player/ NHT speakers ($1250)
The links:
1. NAD receiver at 500
2. NAD amp at 300
3. Energy speakers at 333
4. NHT speakers at 650
5. Cambridge Audio amp at 300
6. Cambridge Audio CD player at 300
Another option is to buy a $1600 pair of speakers for $800 like these Spendor 3se and gradually grow a system around them.
Best regards,