Verity Parsifal or Magico V3 or Wilson Benesch ACT

I owned a pair of the original Verity Audio Parsifals and they were fantastic in my room (19'x15'x8' - speakers on the long wall). I went high efficiency route for a while (Avantgarde Uno's then Duo's) but am looking for a dynamic speaker again.

These three are on my list, but I would consider others as well. I have not heard any of these, and nobody around has the WB Act.

I would prefer something that I could drive with around 50-100w of tube power.

Would appreciate any comments on these.
I owned the Parsifal Encore, and they are truly a great speaker. I drove them for a short time with the Accuphase A50V amp. I would just add here that the A50V is not your typical 50 watt amp, if in fact it is rated at 50wpc. That, I am not sure of. My point here is that I would think closer to 100 tube watts, than 50. The Parsifal is still an 89db, 4ohm speaker. I have heard the Magico once, and again, another wonderful speaker. I spent a short period with the WB Curve as
well, and the WB line is also worth consideration IMO. I would
say all your choices like a bit of power, especially the V3. The V3 sounded wonderful with the Vac Phi 300.1's 150 watts
This one may come down to your associated equipment. If I didn't make things difficult enough, Rockport technologies also makes a few speakers worth consideration. Goodwin's High End carries all these minus the Benesch. I just reread my post, and just to make clear. The A50V was more that enough power for the Verity. They had a deep , tight controlled bass. In this area, better than C-J premier 8A's.
Haven't heard the others but the W.B. ACT's are really really good. Accurate with great dynamics in a relatively small footprint. The bass is very accurate with no mibass "hump".
Read the article on the December 2008 issue of Stereophile. There's an article on the Verity Parsifal Ovation. The article stated that you need some juice to drive these babies.

My own experiment confirms that observation as well. I have the Encores. I had emailed Verity regarding power requirement and they told me 40wpc would be enough for my room. I then drove them with my Pass Aleph Os w/ 50wpc in class A. The sound was lacking air and dynamics. I switched back to the Pass X350.5 and never looked back.

r32nj, perhaps you could tell us why you are going away from the Avantgardes and what you are looking for in a speaker. What are you chasing? What didn't you like about the Avantgardes?
The Avantgardes sounded dynamic and fast, but the bass integration and especially the imaging were not great (in my room anyway).

I would say my top priority is speakers that throw a large soundstage and dissapear as a sound source.