I think we should all thank our lucky stars we have Dhaan around to point out these huge design flaws that the folks at Verity obviously missed! Im sure that Dhaan could teach all of us a thing or two about speaker design. Ill bet hes read enough Time Life how to books, not to mention measurements at Stereophile, to qualify for a speaker building degree at one of the prestigious online universities.
Id just like to thank Dhaan for letting us little people in on his expertise. Im astonished that the CEOs at the big companies like Revel or Wilson or Paradigm havent already hired Dhaan away as Chief Speaker Designer. Gosh, what are those guys waiting for?
Id just like to thank Dhaan for letting us little people in on his expertise. Im astonished that the CEOs at the big companies like Revel or Wilson or Paradigm havent already hired Dhaan away as Chief Speaker Designer. Gosh, what are those guys waiting for?