Speakers and Tube Amps

Being more familiar with solid state gear than tubes, I'm really not sure who the top players are in making "tube-friendly" speakers.

I'm not looking at any specific tube amp manufacturers at the moment so compatibility is less important than general information.
does the type of cross overs being implemented in the loudspeaker design play much of a part in whether or not a particular speaker is seen as Tube or SS friendly-er?

Such as 1st & 2nd order, vs. say 4th order types?
I would second the horn recommendation in general, and the Klipsch Cornwall recommendation in particular, unless you have a small room, then maybe something smaller in the Klipsch Heritage line. I have Cornwall II's that have 101dB efficiency. The very high efficiency is especially important if you want to experiment with SET amps. If you get speakers with this high efficiency, it almost won't matter what you drive them with, though, and the Cornwall's sound fantastic.
Audiokinesis, that was well put and great info. above. In the past I did exactly what you described and the manufacture said well this tube amp works great with our product etc.
Thanks Ralph, and thank you too, Dev.

Blindjim, in my opinion the "order" of the crossover doesn't reveal whether or not a speaker is tube-friendly. I can think of examples with filters ranging from first through fourth order, and don't really see any reliable pattern there.

In general high-efficiency speakers are more likely to be tube friendly, but there are exceptions to that as well.


Thanks Duke

I didn't think so but thought to ask. That's more a blening thing I suppose.