Magico V2?

Anybody have any information on the new Magico V2?

Saw an ad in the December Absolute Sound with no specifics.

Ag insider logo xs@2xfeldmm
At the CES the M5 somewhat, unfortunately, stole the show from the V2. I thought that given its price, the V2 was the real star at the show. Magico has been criticized in the past for its models high prices, and here you have an absolutely exquisite speakers for what I consider a “rather reasonable” price. Definitely, a must hear.

It was not a reasonable or genuine 'audition:' when I heard the M5 it was with a music server unfamiliar to me. Nonetheless, they did not sound as sweet, in a musical way, as the V2.

The M5 may be able to handle greater volume of music, namely operatic scale performance and complex symphonic passages, or fill a larger listening space but I generally listen to smaller scale music.

For that type of playback, the V2 speaker, on first and careful listening, was stellar. When I've heard them again, compared directly with Verity Parsifal Ovation IIs I will comment again. It should be a reasonable comparison, as it will be in the same room with the same electronics and cabling. More to come.