Minimalist PMC AML:1 based setup - opinions needed

I am thinking of setting up a very minimalist setup similar to others mentioned here. It will consist of the following:

Speakers: PMC AML1 Active Speakers
Source: Either one of the following sources:
a. Slimdevices Transporter
b. Linn Majik DS
c. Squeezebox + Benchmark DAC-1

I have 2 questions:

1. Which do you think would be the best source(in terms of pure sound

2. Do I need a preamp for any of these sources?

I'd also be interested to hear of peoples' experiences with the AML1s as this will be my first foray into pro-audio speakers.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

There is no such thing as a jitter imune dac its complete sales BS, also there are several diffrent kinds of jitter

While I agree that nothing will be completely jitter free, however, in the case of the DAC1, the sales BS is backed up by measurements using audio precision equipment - while not perfect (what is?) the measurements demonstrate what most would call excellent "immunity to jitter".

When comparing good DAC's as you have could it be possible you are hearing small differences between them in the analog output circuitry (op amps) and low pass filter design rather than differences due to jitter?
Hi shadorn

Jitter has very littel to do with what sounds good and what dossent.
There are also different kinds of ways jitter can influence the sound.
Honestly i wouldent worry to much about it.

Jitter is most heard when its absent, its like noise.

But thats not what makes the music its the implamentaion of the Dac.
And above all the skill and time that have whent into the design.

I dont think that the difference between a Linn majik ds and the transporter is small.
Bass, treble soundstage ? well yes the differenc eis small.
But musicality, seperating instruments and individual threats in the music,deep bass and none digital treble, the linn is simply a intirely different animal.

I personaly try not to get to technical about it instead i use my ears.

The transporter is a very good example why you shouldet rely to much on measurments.
Sadly many fall for the Bit-perfect sound kvality that will suppas even the most exotik disk spinner nonsence slimdevices promot the Transporter as.

And by all accounts there sales technique works.

Why the Linn ds sounds so much better i have no idea.
I know that the have a whole army of the best engeneers plus some 35+ years of experince .
Linn also seems to be on of the few companys that have a clear goal on what the gear should sound like and the use there Tune dem method designing everything.

Honestly im not to much into listning ti my music using enykind of method, but i want my music replayed with as much emotional and musicality as possibl and it just happens to be my findings that a linn source really do bring me that.

I agree with you about jitter. I also agree with you about Linn "house" sound. You obviously like this sound a lot. Linn are extremely successful.

The transporter is a very good example why you shouldet rely to much on measurments.

For you and many others yes. However, some do like a purely accurate sound - as clinical as it may be (depending on the recording)
I do agree that some may prefere a more clinical sound then what you get from linn source.
But a smoooth and integrated treble respons is only the tip of the iceberg.

Accurate haever is not what i would call the transporter.

The TP of SB3 dossent seperat instrumenst very well, it ruins pitch and timing in the music to a much larger extend.
Music is much harder to understand.
That means its not as akurate .

Measurments can only tell a tiny bit about have the unit will sound , wich is ofcause is what matters because that is the units only purpose.
I own a pair of AML-1s w/MJA Ref 200 subs and I absolutely love them. Do yourself a favor and run them with 6SonsAudio's Windigo line of powercords and ics...fantastic combination!