Verity Parsifal Symposium base

Anyone here familiar with the Symposium Ultra base for the Verity Parsifal? I like the idea, ease in positioning, reduced carpet wear and am intrigued by what I have heard of increased clarity, imaging and range. Anybody here use them or get a chance to compare them? Thanks.
You may wish to contact AudiogoN member Islandear (Blaine). I know he has used the Symposium base for many years. I have used the Symposium Svelte shelves between my Encore's bass and mid/treble cabinets for a few years, and I am very happy with the results. I do notice a slight bit more articulation using the Symposium shelves. I haven't tried the bases, but I did switch to Audio Points 1.5 AP-A feet instead of the stock Verity spikes, again with some improvement in clarity.

have tried out the cerapuck under my Verity, although no big improvements i like what i hear.
the Verity thread is 1/4" unc opposed to the metric cerapucks so i have to machine the pucks yet to fit.
recommended to try out.

Glad to hear your experience with Cerapucs. I'd thought about going that route with Finite Elemente, but thought they were too expensive.
