Best upgradable system components for under $6K

Hello All,

I plan on upgrading my system with components that I can live with in the short term and the long term (hopefully so I don't have to keep upgrading components as I upgrade my speakers).

I currently have an NAD 356BEE integrated and while it is entry level I must admit it sounds very nice. My room is 14'8" by 20'4" and I currently have a pair of Legacy Classics (not Classic HD). My goal is to make my next big purchase on components in the $6k or less range but I would like to make it a once and for all purchase. In other words I'm looking for something I can live with for 15-20 years without worrying about upgrading.

I would prefer to stay solid state and don't mind having an integrated or pairing separates. New or used also doesn't matter as long as it is a great bang for the bucks. My ultimate goal is to one day be driving a pair of Acoustic Zen Crescendo or Vandersteen Quattro speakers. A 200wpc + consideration would be preferred but I’m flexible on that too lol.

Finally my music selection is a bit diverse. I like jazz, soft rock and new age. Some of my favorites are Dave Matthews, John Mayer, the Wallflowers and John Tesh. I value your opinions highly and would love the community's input on the best component upgrades for my $6k budget.
03-26-15: Mesch
I like the approach recommended by ZD. I am surprised he didn’t suggest getting the Ayre preamp 1st and use your NAD as the amp until ready to buy newer speakers. I would think he would think it would make the biggest improvement in your system as it currently exists.
Yes, ZD has frequently emphasized the criticality of the preamp to the sonics of a system. But one reason for his amplifier-first suggestion in this case might be that the OP's present speakers are nominally 4 ohms, and most likely dip to significantly lower values than that at some frequencies, while his NAD integrated has the same 80 watt continuous power rating for 4 ohms as for 8 ohms (although its "dynamic power" rating for 4 ohms is somewhat higher than for 8 ohms). That being suggestive, of course, of the likelihood that driving low impedance speakers is not its forte.

While there are always multiple paths to success (and to failure :-)), given the OP's stated preferences and intentions I can't imagine he would be going wrong by following ZD's Ayre recommendations.

Best regards,
-- Al
If your $6k is exclusive of speakers, I would substitute the Oppo BDP-105 player at $1200 for the BDP-103. The 105 has a terrific DAC in it and can actually be used as your preamp as well.

I don't think I would change the amps, those XPA-1Ls are very good amps indeed. If you simply must spend more money, go with the Emotiva XPR-2 amp, a true reference class monster. $1799.

I now see that Emo has a new amp, the Stealth SA-250. This looks to be a very fine piece indeed. $1399.

Jack the Oppo directly into the amps and you would have a world class digital playback system (no analog, however) worthy of the very finest speakers...
The Moon is an integrated amp. In my system, it beat amps or integrateds from Krell, Karan, Burmester, Pass, BAT, Spectron and Audio Research. I have not had an Ayre in my system.

The good thing about an integrated in the savings on a set or interconnects, power cord and maybe a rack shelf.

Probably the next best integrated that I had was the Audio Research DSi200.
I hear you, Al, about the Ayre preamps. However, their lowest priced preamp, from what I could see on their website, is right at his stated budget, leaving no money for an amplifier. But I may be wrong about the pricing, please educate me if I am.

Maybe a modded Oppo BDP-105 (usually around $2500) mated to a $3,500 amp gets him where he needs to be....

"You might consider active speakers since at least one of the components (the amp) comes along for the ride.
Bob_reynolds (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

Given the OP's budget, he probably won't be able to get both pieces at once. The amp is the more expensive piece so it would probably be best to get the big purchase out of the way. Also, the OP's current speakers would probably benefit a great deal the extra power. I don't think had enough power to drive them to potential.