Help with buzz / hum that's making me insane r

I've recently realized that there's a very very subtle buzz or hum coming from the dome tweeters of BOTH of my Dali's that's audible if my ears are right next to them. Now before everyone says the tweeters are blown, let me take you through what I've done to analyze the situation (it could also be that I'm crazy):

Hooked up Dali's to a different amp using same front end, still hum
Hooked up different speakers to amp/front end, still hum
Swapped around ICs (I'm running balanced on DAC and Phono), still hum
Rewired system making sure PCs and ICs aren't touching, still hum
Hum is present with both vinyl and digital

The sound is still very, very good, but I can't help feel like on higher register vocals I can hear just a touch of distortion that I wasn't hearing before. Again, this is on both channels, and the sound is great, but vocals and highs have a small touch of rasp. I can't tell if this is me being crazy, because I can hear the hum from the dome tweeters when my ear is right next to them. Any ideas of ways to play around to see what the problem is.

I'm using shunyata PCs for the most part (one cardas) and a Hydra 6 into a Shunyata outlet. Help is greatly appreciated, as this is driving me nuts
Try disconnecting all TV inputs and outputs - cable, satellite, antenna, HDMI, coax, eveything. If that eliminates the hum, starting reconnecting one at a time until the hum comes back.
Is it a hum (ground loop issue), buzz, or hiss from your tweeters?

Some hiss from tweeters may be normal when you put your ear right up to the tweeter. Buzz or crackling is another story.
If you have any low voltage halogen lighting this will produce a slight buzzing
The hum is most likely the suggested ground loop and the way the electrical panel was grounded
There are a few things I would look for.
- Is there a light dimmer on the circuit or on a neighboring circuit? If so disconnect and see if problem stops.

- Are all your connections tight in the breaker box? They come loose with time and vibrate and cause noise. It was amazing the improvement I had after tightening all the screw terminals. (Eliminating hf microphonic vibration).

Do NOT bypass the ground with cheater plugs. This is a safety issue.
What you describe is normal.

If you have to be that close to hear it you do not have a problem.
