New Magnepan

Word is that Magnepan will premiere a new statement loudspeaker to replace the 20.1 at CES. Maybe a new Tympani?
OK I will go out on a limb- the new model has an integrated sub with its own amp.....Avant Maggie. OK don't kill the messenger.

Is this a rumour that Magnepan will make a speaker that actually sounds listenable?
Only kidding..............

OK so the Audiophile company that has the documented greatest customer satisfaction and loyalty doesn't make a "listenable" speaker??

So what are you listening to? I hope you say a single driver design so it shows you just like something different than resolution and dynamics.
Speakers that actually have a sweet top end, and also a bit of wallop at the other end, what we audiophiles call bass!
..................Still only kidding.