Best SS amp for Zu Druid Mk IV speakers

Down-sizing and want low cost Solid State option that I can leave on all the time - I know its sad
Judging by your answers, I can see that my question was not specific. What I am or was (doesn't seem like I'm going to be able to leave SET) considering, is 100 of the sweetest SS wpc that would bring out the best in the Definition 1.5s and [if possible] retain a tubey sound? Better?
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stanley clark
bela fleck
Le sacre du printemps/petrouska/firebird
barry white
-plus oodles more-

you get the idea? every once in a while it's nice to hear what (12) 10" 101db speakers can do at 119 or 122dB. my question is more of a curiosity, given, as you said, my 32 very sweet SET watts and 116dB peaks. Highly unlikely that I would make the switch, {SET to SS} but still curious. I would love to hear a YBA Passion amp in my rig.

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Hell, I've run my Druids with Gilmore Raptors - 500wpc into 4 ohms, 250wpc into 8 ohms. They sound excellent as well, and my oh my when I crank up the AC/DC!!!