Best SS amp for Zu Druid Mk IV speakers

Down-sizing and want low cost Solid State option that I can leave on all the time - I know its sad
"udging by your answers, I can see that my question was not specific. What I am or was (doesn't seem like I'm going to be able to leave SET) considering, is 100 of the sweetest SS wpc that would bring out the best in the Definition 1.5s and [if possible] retain a tubey sound? Better?"
12-29-08: Warrenh

Do not count my wasn't directed towards you.

As to the original author's question.............if it has to be on all the time, please consider RWA 30.2 amp. It runs cool all day long has about 40wpc (which is more then enough), sounds great with Zus and has SET amp characteristics. did not fool me or anything like that but it is definitely on the warmer, richer side. Since it runs on batteries, it is extremely quiet as well.
But do not take my word for it, check the 6moons reviews and users feedback.

Now to Warrenh -

If you are willing or in "need" to use 100wpc for your Definitions and do not want to spend a fortune, I would recommend a hard look into some SS vintage gear and have it recondition or modified to your heart's content.
I might not be a good source of information on SS amplification since the tubes rule at my home but one piece that I own and like a lot is Accuphase 202 integrated from the mid 70's. I believe its power amp counterpart was P-250 rated at 100wpc as well. These babes are hard to find in good condition but they do show up from time to time. $400-$1000 is what they usually go for. Be prepare to spend anywhere between $250 for cleaning up/reconditioning , up to $700-$800 total restoration. I believe Accuphase might still be doing it for around $700 - that includes transistors, caps etc.

But honestly, I do not think you need all that muscle but the finesse and noise reduction to the possible zippo to bring the best in Zus.

Good luck
Mariusz's not Barry White's voice I wish to hear at 122dB. That would be scary. I'm thinking of a BW album I own, that has bass as low as I've ever heard on a recording. Electronic, of course.
Everyone is missing the boat. Luxman is the way to go with Zu. They voice everything mostly with tubes. I love there power cords and speaker cables. Go with the class A Luxman.