Best SS amp for Zu Druid Mk IV speakers

Down-sizing and want low cost Solid State option that I can leave on all the time - I know its sad
Everyone is missing the boat. Luxman is the way to go with Zu. They voice everything mostly with tubes. I love there power cords and speaker cables. Go with the class A Luxman.
Luxman is the way to go with Zu? What model Luxman are you using to drive your Zu Druids? Definitions? Presence? Please furnish some of the specs. thanks
Thanks all - its just that my budget is around $1000.00 for a SS solution for the Druids, any specific recommendations based on that price point?

Im coming from a 300b....and will have the Empirical "Pacecar reclocker + Modded i2s Benchmark DAC" front end soon.

Warrenh - If you weren't such a nice guy I'd call you a highjacker
The question was "What low cost solid state option for Zu." Luxman 550A II at 20 watts class A is more than enough for any Zu speaker. Luxman sounds "fantastic" with Harbeth 40.1, spent several hours with this set-up. Spent weeks with it driving my Kharma 3.1 ce's. One can be had here used for a good price. Luxman will sound great even with stats. Read the review. I also heard it with Maggies. I'm not a stat guy, but it was a beautiful mid-range experiance. Peace and Good Listening, Pat.