HELP I need help finding a pair of headphones

Long story short, I lost most of my speakers due to a house fire and now we are moving into a small house. So all my listening will be on the headphones.
I'd like to get a decent pair of headphones for less than $200. I know nothing about them, so any help would be great.
I like all kinds of music and will be using this w/ipod, for movies, and a McIntosh c2200.
Thanks for your replies, I appreciate it. I had been thinking about a separate pair of headphones for the ipod, which you guys confirmed.
I agree with Ekobesky's advice. I've been very happy with my Grado SR-125 phones. They should work well with your McIntosh. And, get separate earbuds for your I-pod.
While Grados are good... I feel they have stood still while other brands have come a long way...

If you buy from they have 30 day no questions asked retune ploicy.
Thanks to all who helped. I ended up w/a pair of HD600's. I'm pleasantly surprised that the 'touch can run them (though it sounds soooo much better through the mcintosh).
Thanks again.
You could run a "pocket doc" and a small portable amp and get just about the same sound quality as your mac. It would be good for travel.... Listening at the kitchen table.....

I use a total Airhead from headroom with my 650s and it does well. But I am sure there are better portable amps out these days( the noise floor is high with my Grados but with my 650s I do not hear it).

Anyway what do you think of the 600? Do you think you will get into headphones?