I'd recommend you determine what 'sound' you like. For example,
1) if you like accurate with deepish bass, consider the Dynaudio:
2) If you like a little 'faster, wide open' sound, go with the Dicapos,
3) possibly smoother, strong bass, try the Ushers or the Fritzspeakers ScanSpeak 7 version. (May be tought to demo though)
4) I would also recommend a pair of Merlin TSMs which you can get around here for <1,500.
The Merlins would probably be my choice because of a couple of things including easier placement (but I prefer a paper based driver in the midrange, until you move up to well executed exotic materials, but we're startin' to talk about much more $.
Final recommendation would be these:
http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?spkrmoni&1235748276&/Marten-Design-Monk-Price-Reduc, ... but the guy is in Ireland so I'm not so sure about that transaction.
Good stuff out there in the sub $1,500 market - decide if you definitely *DON'T* like a particular sound or material (ie the guy above commenting on the Usher, others may say Dynaudios aren't the best at lower level (hi-rise constrained) levels, others don't like metal mid-woofers, etc.
Good luck.
1) if you like accurate with deepish bass, consider the Dynaudio:
2) If you like a little 'faster, wide open' sound, go with the Dicapos,
3) possibly smoother, strong bass, try the Ushers or the Fritzspeakers ScanSpeak 7 version. (May be tought to demo though)
4) I would also recommend a pair of Merlin TSMs which you can get around here for <1,500.
The Merlins would probably be my choice because of a couple of things including easier placement (but I prefer a paper based driver in the midrange, until you move up to well executed exotic materials, but we're startin' to talk about much more $.
Final recommendation would be these:
http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?spkrmoni&1235748276&/Marten-Design-Monk-Price-Reduc, ... but the guy is in Ireland so I'm not so sure about that transaction.
Good stuff out there in the sub $1,500 market - decide if you definitely *DON'T* like a particular sound or material (ie the guy above commenting on the Usher, others may say Dynaudios aren't the best at lower level (hi-rise constrained) levels, others don't like metal mid-woofers, etc.
Good luck.