Help a Newbie. Considering Usher Be 718's

I'm a newbie who finds it hard to justify spending a ton of money on hifi audio, so i'm trying to follow the adage, put most of your money into your speakers.

I started from near zilch (a Harman Kardon AVR 230 from 2004) and now have:

Panasonic 46PZ85 Viera
Harman Kardon AVR 230
Speaker cables, audio interconnects of decent quality (spent $70 for speaker cables and $35 for the interconnects)

and one pair of Ascend Sierra 1's ($760, got free shipping) just received last Tuesday (still within the 30 day trial period. I went to a local audio dealer who has offered me 30% off a pair of Usher Be 718 tiny dancers, so about 2K + state tax). These were my favorites that i auditioned.

There is a caveat. They are dealer demos and thus he can only really "reserve" them for me for about 10 days.

If i buy the Ushers, the MOST amount of money i will spend is about $400-$750 for an amp to hook up to my HK AVR 230 (about 60 watts per channel).

A few things about me:

1. Looking for 2 channel only, cannot afford to buy 5 speakers
2. Love audio quality
3. Live in an apartment, cannot play speakers too loud, nor use a subwoofer.
4. Own exactly 1 DVD, about 100 CD's, mostly alternative rock, some jazz, acoustic rock.
5. will likely purchase a DVD player (looking into a Denon 2910 about $200 used), a blu ray player (probably the Panny BD35 or possibly the upcoming Oppo), may look into buying a CD player (possibly Cambridge Audio around $200 used), all used (except blu ray) and will not spend more than $500 on any of the three.
6. Need to decide before the 30 day trial period ends (about 2-3 weeks from now) and would like to make a purchas eby then, if i don't keep the Sierras.

I've always heard the adage, put most of your money into your speakers, so that's what i'm trying to do, put all my money into my speakers while being very budget consious elsewhere.

Is it worth it to buy the Ushers considering the equipment i will have? To me the Sierras are great, but the Ushers are like WOW! However, they were playing on $15,000 worth of equipment.

In other words, will the Ushers be a justifiable upgrade/ sound like a great improvement over the Sierras given my low end equipment?

Also can someone reccomend a good amp for $400-$750 used here on Audiogon?

Finally, do my choices sound good? what would you do differently if you were me?

Am also considering Salk Songtowers (about same price as the Ushers), maybe Totem, but few are on sale on Audiogon.
The best way to realize an improvement vs. what you have now is to identify what you don't have in your current system. Start with 5-6 songs that you know well and switch it up with a mix of styles and male/female vocals within that 5-6. Listen to he Ushers, ya likes em ya buys em, then take a breath and let them settle in with your current system. Get used to haow those 5-6 (your mix) tracks sound at home then travel around and A/B with systems in various shops and see if you like things about those systems vs. yours. You will find numerous presentations of "your mix" that will allow you to establish a reference for how YOU like to hear your mix. In time you will find certain brands and types of gear are more appealing to you than others, you own mental M3 will begin taking shape, at that point you should start aquiring 1 piece at a time as you move toward a system that presents "your mix" in a way that is most appealing to you. Thats it at that point mission accomplished. Throwing a collection of gear together based on nameplates and price points DOES NOT assure you of any staisfaction, in fact you can go backwards!! Define a mix of you own a test disc, get used to it and use it to demo the crap out of all kinds of gear. The same gear will sound different in different rooms so be aware of that as well but gear that I like has more ofetn than not appealed to me regardless of where I auditioned it, the gears DNA shown through in most cases. FYI the initial buget system I had, I loved, traded it for a significantly more expensive collection of gear and hated it. I took my disk out until I found gear that gave me what I was missing in my home system and started rebuliding yet again. Today I have a system that I enjoy a great deal and that same disc I began with has helped get me to this point. I still go out on rare occasionsand listen to a different system or two at the local shops, there is gear that I think is great and I hear different presentations of my music but nothing yet has bettered it for me and I am very happy with what I have. Thats the goal get to a point where you can maximize the enjoymant of the music YOU enjoy, regardless of who makes it or what it costs. I hope that helps you, best of luck.
Take your sierras to the shop and play on the same equipment. With your current setup the differences at low volume will not be as noticable as you might think. What you are proposing is like a $500.00 car with $3K rims.
The NAD 272 used with your HK receiver would be a good (and affordable) way to go, but why not just ditch the HK and go the integrated route if you're sticking with 2 channel? The preamp in the HK would likely end up being your weakest link. The NAD C372 (150W) is a great buy, and I'm using one happily in a system with speakers that also need decent current and sit at about the same price point in proportion (Vandersteen 2CE Sig IIs). I loved the speakers and made a similar choice to invest in them and use a high-value amp for at least the time being. And I'm happy enough with the NAD that I'm in no hurry to change a thing. I've owned three other cheaper NAD amps over time and have always been happy with their quality, and the C372 is a leap above the lower models in sound.

This is an aside, but while you're deciding on a DVD/Blu-Ray player, pick up an old Sony Playstation 1 (the SCPH-1001 model) for all those CDs in your collection. It's not the most attractive solution, but it does sound great. I bought one as a place-holder, and it's fantastic. You can read a review on 6moons and a lot of comments in threads here. Plus, at $40 or less on e-bay, you'd be able to put more $$$ right now into music and the other gear.
Buy the Usher's. The fact that the Usher's are demos makes it just that much better because they're probably already broken in. At 30% off they're a steal. I own and love them. Everytime I change something, the Usher's respond like a champ. The better your system gets over time, the better the Usher's will sound.