Eggleston Andra IIIs at CES

Has anybdy had an opportunity to hear these speakers? Interested in how/if the new carbon fiber midwoofers improve the sound.
I have the Rosa which I love the looks of. Especially the granite sides, elegant grill and small proportions. Have not heard the Andra III, but I think they are simply TERRIBLE looking. A real shame. For $25K, or whatever they are asking, I'd consider the many other fine contenders. I can't imagine they sound better than the Magico V3.
Who in the heck came up with design, I owned the Andra 2's and anyone who saw them was impressed with the fit and finish but as far as I'm concerned these new MK3's look to me like three steps or more backwards in design. All I see is cutting cost, cutting cost never mind with all the midrange drivers available out there why oh why did they choose these.

With all the competition going on out there and they decide to degrade the finished look cutting costs but then raise the list price substantially, all I can say is good luck! won't be getting any of my money.
Well let me be the oddball and say I like them, I like them so much I ordered a pr (2) months ago and just received them today in the gray metallic with mil finished aluminum trim and they look pretty hot in person and sound quite good straight out of the box!

After you get them broken in, please let us know what you think of them. Also, if you could post some pictures of them, that would be cool too.

And, most importantly, if you get a chance to compare them to the Andra II speakers, let us know what you think the differences are.

Thanks, and congrats on the new speakers!
Great minds think alike ;-)
I also think the new look is very nice. Enjoy your new speakers, and look forward to your impressions.