Zu Druids - Two years after

Well 2-3 years after all the hype about these speakers have you kept them in your system or have you moved on. In hindsight were they speakers to keep for the long term or just another audio flash in the pan? What has been your experience with them over the long term and other speakers you have had or heard?
I just don't believe that a 10" midrange/woofer is going to capture the midrange. The bass,, yes. Midrange, no. Really short in that area. My opinion.
Not sure what the doubt is... Full range drivers of this size have been used for years, especially in pro audio with lots of PA systems(vocals) and guitars etc... Which are designed to excel in midrange!

Funny thing is the Zu's actually really take it to another level via they make it almost work like there is a 3.5 in midrange driver or whatever in the center by using the whizzer cone anyway to focus this sound just sharing a voice coil and single source for integration.. They are dynamic, smooth and very much more real sounding than many speakers I have heard using dedicated mid drivers of any exotics and size.

Not to mention this 10" driver has very limited excursion which is key to speed and making the midrange magic with energy still having a driver big enough moving some air for the lower frequencies, but the druid is not a bass speaker, its more of a midrange purity than anything else as a matter of fact, which is why to me they don't go low enough to truly put down the full range with authority...

Thats the druid speaker anyway, Zu has speakers that will make up for this in other models.
Sounds_real_audio. . .

Have you ever listened to these speakers? Or are you merely speculating?
Hey Glory,

You had Audio Note speakers, right? Es or Js? And you really sold those for Zu?
How can anybody believe something without experiencing it?

Let's carry this one step forward.

I don't believe airplanes really fly because I've never been in one.

Yeah, that works.

Sorry, I misunderstood the concept.