Office System -- Low Volume Speakers

I am looking for speakers for an office system. I am using a Vincent Audio SV-236 (100W/Ch hybrid) as an integrated amp--so I have plenty of power for this application. My source is a Polk Audio XRt12 XM radio reference tuner.

Particularly, I am looking for something that sounds good at low volumes and that is NOT fatiguing. I play the full spectrum of music, but mostly classical and jazz (as well as talk radio). Monitors would be prefered over stand mounnted, but I am considering Totem Arros.

I am looking for something used (or demo) under $750.00.
For low volume work I assume you don't need a lot of bass. Consider the less expensive full-range drivers from Omega loudspeakers.
NHT A-10 or A-20 used would be perfect..but use their amps and sell the one you have. Used they fall into your price range.

Note: if you buy one of these, make sure they come with the special cables that run between the amps and the speakers...they have orange cable covers.
the totem arros would be an excellent choice. i used to own them for my den setup in my last house. i sold them andwent with the totem taw in-wall speakers in my new den.
What made you choose the Vincent amp ?

As someone who has put some effort into building a nearfield system , ie. low volume , I have found that the amp is just as important as the speaker and its efficiency . I have demoed many amps that did not fit this criteria on speakers rated at 90db. eff. or more . Sort of like the first watt theory .

Just curious .
Saki70, I choose the Vincent amp due to a number of reasons:
1. I got a good deal on a integrated amp which has received great reviews (TAS--award)
2. It has a loudness button which helps at low volumes
3. I wanted something warm, and not fatiguing
4. I wanted something with sufficient power to drive any small cabinet speaker and get decent bass
5. I wanted something that would be versatile in case I bring it out of the office
I love SV-236 for this purpose (and beyond)

Rbstehno, I think the Arros are leading my list. However, have you tried Rainmakers? How do they compare?

Ghstudio, I have no interest to change my whole system for NHT speakers. I was unimpressed with the Classic Threes--the only NHT which I have heard.