Just bought a pair of GMA continuum 1s...

Hey everyone,

I just bought a pair of continuum 1s off of eBay in great shape. I have been looking at GMA speakers for over a year. I've been mostly focusing on used Europas as that is my price range.

Looking for the best sound I could get on a limited budget, I put together a high end headphone setup about 8 months ago. Well, I felt the need to change and thought it would be fun to jump back into the speaker realm.

Anywho, I just bought these for $600 plus another $200 for shipping. Based on what I have read, I think I did pretty well here... but I figured I would run it by the pros just to make sure.
Thank you for becoming an Owner! You will be greatly surprised at the performance. You got a great deal in my opinion!

Please have your seller contact us for proper packing and shipping. New foam grilles for the upper cast-marble modules are available from us, as well as a copy of the original Owner's Guide, necessary to adjusting the module for best sound.

Let me know if any difficulties are encountered! Your seller is apparently in Denver, and our factory is only about an hour south, fyi.

Best regards,
Roy Johnson
Green Mountain Audio
Hi Roy,

I'll relay the message. Thanks for the response!

I talked to you for quite a while about a year ago. You were very clear, informative, down to earth... this spoke loudly about your genuine passion for your art (something of a rare quality), which in turn peaked my interest in GMA. Keep up the good work.

So, the seller said he was going to ship the speakers in 4 separate boxes, all well-packed (2 for base, 2 for midrange/tweeter). Does this sound adequate?

Just out of curiosity, how do these speakers compare with your also discontinued Europas?

Thank you for the kind remarks.

If your C-1's are to be shipped in their four original cartons, know that since they were originally shipped by truck freight strapped to one pallet, those packing materials will not protect against UPS or FedEx Ground... please have someone contact me for suggestions on double boxing if they are using UPS or Fed Ex Ground, thanks.

The C-1's are a three-way design of which I am still immensely proud. They are far better than Europas from bass to treble. Expect much more clarity, low bass and dynamic subtlety!

Best regards,
Roy Johnson
Green Mountain Audio
I'm excited.

I suggested to the seller that he/she contact you prior to shipping. Thanks for the help.

I have a question about my amp. I have a very nice headphone amp right now... which does me no good for speakers. My only amp for the time being is an integrated 50wpc Pioneer that is somewhere around 10-15 years old.

I know this is far from ideal. Is there any reason I shouldn't use this in the meantime before I pickup a better amp? I guess my main thought is that maybe it will under-power the woofers which, in turn, may generate heat and damage the drivers. I thought I heard that this can happen, but I'm not sure to be honest. What do you think?

I will not be pushing these speakers to extremely high SPLs (I'm more of a quiet-to-moderate listener) so hopefully my amp will stay reasonably low on the distortion curve.

I used to push a pair of Paradigm Atoms with it and they sounded surprisingly good... and the Atoms are rated as having about the same efficiency as the C1s... so I'm hopeful that my little Pioneer will tow the line until funds allow an upgrade.