Gershman Black Swans

Did anyone hear these at CES and/or does anyone own these? I have recently heard excellent things about them and the reviews appear to be uniformly good. Since I don't anticipate being able to demo them anytime soon, I'm curious how they would compare to my VSA VR-7se's, which I am using with a Velodyne DD-15 sub. Same league? Better? Not as good? Similarities? Differences? Any positive input welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Every time I have heard them they sounded horrible, thin, uninvolving and flat, three times at shows I couldn't stand them any time, I walked right past them this year due to prior experiences.
A friend of mine raved about them a year or so ago and says they are awesome though I've never heard them. He goes to some of the shows. You might email member frankie_u.
I heard them at RMAF2007 in the Clayton room. The front-end was a 581, the preamp was a VAC (don't recall the model) & the power amps were Clayton M200 monos. I also have forgotten the cable brand.
The sound was very nice. I was quite impressed w/ how much the overall sonics involved me.
Mrs. Gershman was there herself giving the demo (she was a nice hostess).
I'm afraid that my limited experience was quite opposite to Kennyt's!
I heard them at HE 2007 in NYC. I remember being impressed to the point that I told the designer that it was the first time I really appreciated his speakers, even though I'd heard them at previous years' shows. The front end was all Classe, IIRC. My gut tells me they are great speakers, but finicky as to associated gear and acoustic environment.