Break In Your Speakers...... What CD and how long?

Just bought a pair of Devore Nines. Is there a CD out there that anyone recommends for breaking in new speakers? At what level? Is there such a CD?
The out-of-phase/in mono/facing each other/closely situated trick works very well. Be certain the system is set to mono(or use track 6 of the following CD), or you're cancelling a smaller percentage of the sound. The Ayre CD, 'Irrational, But Efficacious!' has a "brown noise" track that works very well for break-in of speakers. Brown noise contains energy in the whole audio spectrum, but it's distributed more closely to that of actual music than pink or white noise. ( This CD also contains pink and white noise tracks. When I burn-in cables, caps, etc: I run all the noise tracks, programmed to repeat, for a few days.
I'm a firm believer that after a 100 hours or so you really need to crank them up for a few hours.

I had a WP8's for over a year then I had a party. I had the volume cranked to hearing damaging levels. (the party was out side and I left the back screen door open so we could hear out side.) So outside the music was clear.

I had SS equipment and work from home so I had the system on for 8+ hours a day.

The next day I sat down for some critical listening and the bass was much more present.
The Magic CD from Reynold is the only CD that I know of which is designed specifically for speaker break-in. The first track goes very low so you need to adjust the volume carefully while watching the woofers move in and out. This is the only CD I use for speaker break-in. I also own the Ayre, Purist, and another that I can't remember the name. Email me if you are unable to find the Reynold CD and I'll try to help you out.