Peachtree Nova , Dac 1 Pre, Bel Canto Dac 3?

What are folks views on saving some money going with a Peachtree Nova which has the DAC, Pre, and Amp vs buying an independent DAC and Pre-amp and then choosing an independent amp like the MC275?

I would like to go with a nice classic tube amp and then get a high quality digital signal to it through a modern DAC.

The Peachtree is just coming out, but will it really be able to compete with a Dac 1 Pre and a classic MC275? The power is about the same, and both DAC's are highly rated. But will the amp in the Peachtree make it a long lasting piece?

These guys at Signal Path have really made a cool sounding new piece of equipment and I am doing some system planning and weighing options on the new gear and wondering about the classic old gear.

Thanks guys. I realize this may be premature since the Nova is coming out in a few weeks, but I am in planning mode.

i have owned the decco since it came out and use it with server, internet radio, cd and found that the amp is outstanding . the dac and pre are excellent, i can't say it is a bel canto dac, but for the money, i believe it is 90 percent there. i have enjoyed my piece for over two years with excellent results....the thing i like with the peachtree , it is small and looks very nice....i paired it with era speakers which they also sell with the unit....using the sub and i listen to mostly jazz, detail is excellent...i give it a A , the canto is more expensive and using more cables gets expensive too...goood luck and good listening...

Issue 62 of HI FI plus(one issue back)has got a great review on a few outboard dacs. They liked the Cambridge Audio one alot, especially for the money. You may want to look into getting an outboard dac and running your digital media through it. I have an MC 275 and find it to be a very nice sounding powerful amp. Did you decide on speakers? I followed your last thread.
I decided on the Spendor S8e. My wife and I liked the sound in the show room, and now I am thinking about how to have some fun with them when I get them home. I hope that they will last a long time and that they will end up being a good value.

I have a digital music collection and it sounds pretty muddy now, so I am hoping to getting it sounding good in 2009.
