
All, there is some info here on some of Daedalus' larger models. Anybody have the DA-RMa monitor? I'm wondering if anyone has experience and any feedback on these.
My DA-RMa's are impressing me more and more every day. Recently had a local audiobuddy over; his comment was that the DA-RMa's sounded so good it was almost like my prior spkrs (the Micro Utopias) were broken!!

I've been rolling various power and pre/input tubes thru my Cary SLI-80 the last couple of weeks--they all sound pretty good thru the DA-RMa's, but still the DA-RMa's let me hear the differences in various tube combinations much easier than I could before.

I really pleased with these guys!

Michael: Your membership needs to be updated! When are the new DA-1.1's arriving?
Hey you young whipper-snapper with your ipod and fancy "1.1"...

As Bart Simpson said "Digital audio tape, my butt; when I was growing up, we had cd's and I didn't hear anyone complaining."

Ok, enough silliness...upgrade from The Classic DA-1 will take place once we finalize the interior decor plan...it's a WAF kinda thang.
"it was striking how the Ulysses' provided a window on what was happening upstream. The invidual characteristics of the amplifiers were easy to discern".

Jazdoc: I couldn't agree more. In the past six months I've upgraded my preamp (from an Audio Research SP16 to an LS26) and my amp (from an Audio Research 150.2 to an SD135) and in each instances my DA-1.1's told me EXACTLY what was going on. In a way, the Daedalus speakers manage to square the circle by being both "ruthlessly revealing" and "utterly non-fatiguing". A lot of speakers that provide such a clear window on upstream changes can be unlistenable on a day to day basis. They may be a good "reviewers tool" but not not necessarily something you want around for the pure enjoyment of music. My DA-1.1's are now a year old and I continue to be impressed by their ability to raise their level of performance as you put higher quality components in front of them. It's like getting an extra $50 for every $100 invested in the signal chain. Fabulous speakers and it's great to see others joining in the fun.
In case people have not seen it there is a nice review of the DA-RMa posted at Stereotimes. The reviewer purchased the pair--no better endorsement in my view.