Vandie 1c or Maggie MMG?

Small room (10 x 10), mainly mid-60s to mid-70s rock with Exposure 2010S integrated amp. Thoughts please.
VANDERSTEEN 1C's..........I'm obviously biased, because I'm incredibly happy with my 1C's. Give them a listen...they should sound terrific with your amp.
Good Luck, and Happy Listening.
Easy one.....Vandersteen. If you liked mainly Jazz, I'd probably say Maggie....except, your rooms to small for any dipole....IMHO.

Have to agree on the Vandersteen in that room, also a fairly satisfying amount of bass for a smallish speaker.
Vandersteen they will image better. The 1c's are not great with loud base but you can alwas add a 2wq later if you feel you want more and the price is hard to beat.
Maggies no doubt. If you want more bass, just add a higher power ampliphier, and no speaker will image better than a Maggie. I love Vandy's but dude.... not a contest in my book. The 1c is not a great speaker, it is not the little brother to the excellent 2ce Sig, it is the "Red Haired Stepchild" of the line. Maggies need more power, but will play louder than the 1c and I will beat it for bass as well, and once again, imaging, it's the Maggies.