Narrowed speaker selection down to 5 choices

I like all kinds of music. My new room is 13.5x21x9. My amp is Spectron Mus. III SE MK2 w/ all MIT cabling. Speakers are: PBN EPX, Thiel 3.7, Revel studio 2, Dynaudio Contour S5.4, and Focal 1037BE. Speaker will be on short(13.5") wall. Speaker must excell in imaging,resolution,midrange presence,dynamics,tight articulate bass(no muddy midrange,or bloat),and full freq. range. I now have Dali Helicon 400 MK 2. I love the Dali's imaging but, I can't get past a little midrange glare. Tried speaker cables,amps,room postioning,etc. Nothing seems to tame this speakers voicing in this room. Now my old room was 23x28x14 and the Dalis sang in that room. I had more weight and and bass in the larger older room. I would have never guessed that the Dali's would be leaner in the newer smaller room. Help, Opiions needed. If you can think of other speakers in the 5K to 8K range that may work for me then let me have it.
rhljazz has a good point. great speakers can sound like crap in one room and xlnt in another as u know. imo, most gear questing is a failure to create a good acoustic space that matches the current eqpt. but no one in industry wants to mention this pink elephant in the room cause there is no $ in it and low sex appeal.
Veroman is dead on! Play with setup first and foremost before any more money is spent. Years of experimentation and research has made certain approaches more successful than others. Use the long wall if possible with your head against the opposing wall (treat wall behind your head with dampning material). Spread speakers as far apart as possible and sit within an isoceles triangle configuration (even with or a little closer than the speakers are apart). Speakers shoul be at least 18" from the side walls and 2 to 3 feet from the back wall (test for slap echo by walking out from the back wall while talking until your voice goes dull and you hear yourself across the room). Angle the speakers in only enough to achieve realistic imaging and not go for pinpoint placement as it will decrease dynamics and shrink the soundstage along with hardening the tonal balance.
Great advice being given in regards to room acoustics. However, with regards to specific brands and resale here is a few thoughts. Much of what you pay for when you go with a "Big brand" is marketing and name. Just because one speakers is made by "X"company Big Brand, good resale doesn't mean it will sound better than "Y" company smaller less know designers. Many cases the smallers companies offer better build with better materials for less money. They also tend to offer fewer models, focusing on R&D for one or two designs rather than a number of different series of speakers within one brand. With regards to resale, it is comforting to know what you have purchased will quickly sell if you choose. Many of the companies that sell quickly on this site sell because of the name itself and not the quality of sound. Many of these brands carry a hefty price tag and the the big name and people think that is must be good. I would be lying if I said I have never have done this, I have in the beginning and learned my lesson. I am not saying I will not purchase from the bigger name brands I own and will continue to purchase what ever I feel fits my needs wether it be from a big brand or not. Just keep in mind there are some extremely good speakers out ther that don't fit in the Big name circle and for people to tell you not to consider them because they don't have a following or not the best resale is not very good advice at all. If you purchase something and immeditely consider resale you will be on a merry-go-round
of wanting,what next,shoulda, woulda, coulda. The last thing coming to your mind when looking for a reference speaker is ahhhhh finally!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just some thoughts.

Excellent advice! There are some terrific speaker brands, for example, that are only sold factory-direct that offer both great sound AND great value. I wouldn't be locked only into the big names, either.