I just bought a set of NHT 2.5I and I will be running these on a rx-v2400 yamaha receiver.With this be a good match or is it upgrade time.if so what amp(within reason please)
The 4004 would work very well, also it will take care of your future needs should you decide to upgrade your speakers down the road. That 4004 MK2 here would work fine if you can swing it.
dude, i just sold my parasound 850pre and the acurus a150 to a friend that bought my nhts 2.5i two years ago. they're an awesome combination, save the lack of remote control. And they could be had cheap here!
Well a choice has been made.....I opted to go with a B&K Reference ST125.2 Series 2.I know the McCormick is a great amp but it was just a little out of my price range.I was on B&K web site and I was looking at the new reference 125.2 S2 and these a almost the same amp.I think this should be alright.THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP!!!!!!!!!Bob. Anyone have a suggestion for a good interconnect?
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