Update on the Magico speakers, the Model 2 and Model 3, which retail for $18k and $27K respectively.
They are both excellent speakers. The 2, to my ear sounds a bit 'hooded' in the midrange, in that the harmonic structure sounds truncated or not as live as it should be. It simply didn't breathe the way that live music does.
The 3's were a different story, much better. Remarkably, the Model 3's were open, alive and didn't constantly remind me that I was listening to good loudspeakers in the way that Wilsons and Avalons do. While the 3 is excellent, it can't get out of the way of the music enough to make me go into that other realm of listening, in which you're inside the recording.
Again, falling back on previous statements, the MBL's and the Sound Labs both, to my ears, cross that barrier into a sense of realism that very few can or do.