Good $2k Used Speakers for 20wpc tube amp

Hi Folks,

I recently entered the world of good audio equipment (very recently--last Friday) by purchasing a Manley Stingray integrated amp to replace the 16 year old rotel that had given up the ghost. My system is: NAD 525BEE CD player, Music Hall MMF 2.1 Turntable, older Phonomena Phono Amp (bought used from a friend), Stingray, and 16 year old Boston Accoustics T930-II speakers, which seem the weak link. I am now looking to replace the non-Stingray/Phonomena pieces as budget allows, speakers first.

The Manley has two modes, U/L (40wpc), and Triode (20 wpc). It makes sense to me to consider speakers that are efficient enough to use both. Can people point me in the direction of speakers that may run about $2k used, give or take, and would be a good comlement to the Stingray? Thanks very much.
Agree that the Heron i, if well cared for, is a steal.

Don't know that 20W/ch will do. I had original Blue Herons vertically biamped w/300W/ch hybrid amps years back and got glorious sound. Never tried lower power, though.
Living Voice speakers are excellent with tube amplification - the Auditorium is definitely within your price range but if you could stretch to 2.5k or thereabouts, the Avatar is definitely worth the extra.
Highly recommend Zu Druids. I'm using an 8w 300B SET amp and they fill my large, open room beautifully. They can "rock" with 8w in my large room...with 20w/ch you could peel paint off the walls. They are very musical and coherent (being driven from 40Hz through 10kHz by a single driver).

Having looked back at past Agon threads, it appears that Zu elicits some passion both for and against. I have no dog in the fight other than having recently tried these speakers and found them very compelling for my room and spouse considerations. Highly recommended!!!
Another recommendation for Zu Druids (look for Mk IV). I'm using them with a 15wpc Unison S2K (KT 88 tubes) and I can confirm they fill a large room.