Best sound ? Von Schweikert Vr 4jr or Aerial 10 t

I have a pair of late series Aerial 10-T speakers which are very nice sounding.....But I have wondered about how they compare with the Von Schweikert Vr-4jr....I have nothing but tube equipment.......I have been even thinking of maybe getting a pair of Wilson Watt Puppies 5.1....What do you think about this ??
I agree with Transnova. The 10T is in another league completely. To compete with it in the VS line you would have to go atleast to the Gen III HSE.

That's good news, maybe I should keep my Aerials and maybe up-grade them.....If there is any up-grades.....Will
Will: About any Von Schweikert would be a major improvement over the Aerial 10T, perhaps the least coherent speaker I've ever heard. The highs were exaggerated and sounded like they were coming from another room than the midrange and bass. If you're into natural-sounding speakers, you can do a lot better than the Aerials.
Another user for the VR-4jr, but I am a newbie to them. Several days so far and no complaints. I had ML SL3 electrostatics and these sound better so far. I have not biwired them, so the sound may change tomorrow when I do.