Best amps for Totem hawks?? please help

Can someone recommend a good Integrated amp with these speakers...I am having trouble driving them.I Prefer a European amp if possible as I know some will tell me to go buy a Krell or Bryston. I hate those amps. too dynamic and stale.

Please advise.
Naim has 3 integrated amps, all of which have great synergy with Totem. I personally have the Supernait and Totem's The ONE (20th Anniversary model).
What do you mean by - the Thule is having "trouble" driving the speakers? Last time I saw them at THE show, Vincent was using an Ayre integrated and CD and the power was adequate. Maybe you're just driving those small drivers past their capability?
I use a BAT VK-300xSE with my Hawks. It has no issues driving them and sounds very nice.
03-14-09: Cjnolan
I use a BAT VK-300xSE with my Hawks. It has no issues driving them and sounds very nice.

I have owned Totem Hawks and I second the BAT VK-300. This hyrid amp sounds a treat with the Hawks. Personally, I used another amp, the Unison Research Unico Secondo (120w) with some success.

I don't understand the Naim Supernait recommendations and i wonder whether these folk actually own the Hawk? The Supernait is only good for 80 watts (8 ohms) and the Hawks lowish sensitivity and impedance mean on paper (and as experienced in practise) it really benefits from more power than this.

Another higher powered amplifier recommendation would be the Plinius 9200 integrated from New Zealand.