Coincident Eclipse vs Devore

Can anyone give comparisons of the Coincident Eclipse Line of speakers vs Devore super 8's or 9's.
I have Coincident PE II's, no Devore dealers in sight and I am curious.
The same applies to the LEBEN CS600. It was probably heard at a disadvantage as well.
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I heard the Devores w. Shindo gear on In Living Stereo as well. I left highly unimpressed. I preferred the Verity speakers but not by much. Not sure which amp but 90% of me remembers it being the Cortese. It was paired with a few different Shindo preamps during the demo. Yes the same Flatfish and some vinyl of some sort. For me nothing was controlled and I found the sound on the bright side. I have heard the Devorses in shows years ago sound wonderful but I don't remember the setup. I wouldn't judge Shindo or Devore speakers from this. Just the pairing that is all. Unfortunately some people push this as a good match, but I just don't get it. This would break my trust in a dealer.
Dgad, the Devore-Shindo combination is not something that I think would be very impressive in a short listening session. They take a while to appreciate their strengths which lie more in the accurate reproduction of acoustical instruments than bass extension or top end detail IMO

I have heard the Devore with Leben and Shindo amps and also heard the Devores in my Shindo system. I really enjoyed the evenhanded and uncolored presentation of the Devores. They completely managed to disappear - sonically and spatially - and just let the music through. Their presentation does not draw attention to itself at all, which makes it very easy to disregard them in a short listening session.

The Devores do require very careful positioning - in my friends room they really did not work well as placement was restricted and the room has a severe bass roll-off. Combined with the articulate lean bass of the Devore a bad room can be a very disappointing combination. The Devore's really do not have a "PA" style bass at all, but they do capture drums and bass very nicely and naturally. IN the wrong room they could be lean and bright; in the right room the Shindo/Devore combination can be excellent.

Just my experience so far of course...
