coincident speakers do you have troubadors

Finally buying a pair of coincident troubadors but am looking for anyone who has them and also troubass. If you have or have had I have a few questions as I can't seem to find anyone selling troubass so looking for suggestions on something that will complete the sound of the troubadors as well or better than troubass speakers. Thanks for your help
Something is strange here !

I have corresponded with Trelja on occassion , both on this forum and off , and found his comments quite helpful . I have also gained knowledge from his comments to others on various subjects . At times I have asked him about the negative aspects of some equipment , he has not replied with a comment . In another thread he spoke of his disassociation with a Chinese amp manufacturer , a real chance to tear them a new one ! Again he did not ! I have always found Trelja to be a kind , upstanding and informative contributor to these forums and quite the statesman !

I am not trying to defend Trelja or impune Mr. Blume . One should read some of Trelja's past posts and judge for themselves as to his character .

Again , quite strange !
So that makes Tvad, Swampwalker, Saki70 and myself that have only had positive dealings with Trelja. I have known him since 2004, had numerous conversations, correspondence and even bought a jadis amplifier from him. Let me make this clear: His transparency, honesty, forthrightness, range of knowledge, humanity, total lack of negativity, meanness or mailice when discussing personalities and products, has always struck me. if A'goners are rated, Trelja is a 100. Therefore something extreme must have precipitated this - we may or may not find out, but I, for one bet my house, my car and my Audio system on Trelja's total integrity. Count on it.
Let me add my $.02 as well.

I've had both personal and professional associations with Joe. His integrity and honesty are beyond reproach.

I'm not so sure about the other guy.
Another accolade for Trelja -

When Joe was falling out of love with the Chinese manufacturer whose product he distributed, the dammed fool went public with all of the problems he had with them BEFORE he sold off his stock to the 'unsuspecting' public. Read his current ad's for his residual products if you doubt his honesty.

I've never had any dealings with the other guy either.
I'd like to personally thank everyone who both participated in this thread, and have contacted me offline for their perspective and support. It's been encouraging to say the least.