Can I drive Thiel CS 2 2 with a Forte' F 55?

I'm thinking about upgrading to Thiels (from Snell EII, which I like very much), and I'm wondering if I can drive the CS 2 2 with my Forte' F 55 amplifier. I know the Thiels are power-hungry.

Comments on the switch from the EII to Thiels are welcome, as well.

Thank you very much.
Unless you have the need for lots of volume and/or have a large room, you should be fine. Some of the older Thiels actually had a kinder impedance load.
Thank you Rnm4 and Unsound.

Rnm4: It's very helpful that you've done a switch similar to one I'm considering.

Unsound: Thanks; I've learned a lot from your postings on Thiels.
I had the 2Ces and now the 2.4s. I think your amp will work just fine. Though Thiel has a sometimes demanding impedance curve, one thing they do not have is a difficult phase angle, which can sometimes be more problematic than impedance. I use a CJ 45 watt integrated amp with my 2.4 and they sound fabulous in a somewhat largish space with a high ceiling. The 2 2s should sound excellent.
You should be fine.I ran a pair of Thiel 3.5's with a 100wpc amp and they sounded great.