what is the rule of thirds?

When reading posts about speaker placement I have often come across the "rule of thirds" with regard to where the speakers sound best in a room.Can someone explain?
The 'Golden Ratio" rule is just as important along these lines of thought. The ratio is 1.6 : 1 which was discovered during the Greek times thousands of years ago.

It can be used for room size propotions. For example if the room height is 8 feet, then the room width should be
1.6 times that or 13 feet. If the room width is 13 feet then the room length should be 1.6 times that or 21 feet. This will eliminate certain frequencies from being accentuated in the room.

If the distance from the front of the room to the speakers is 1 then the distance from the left side of the room to the right speaker is 1.6 times that. Same goes for the the other speaker. That will leave a relative distance of .6 between the side of each wall and the closest speaker.

Under these conditions, the distance between the two speakers is 1 as well as the distance from each speaker to the sweet spot is 1, thus forming an equilateral triangle.

This will tell you not only the relative room proportions, but where everything is positioned in the room.

This application of the golden ratio to audio rooms was first developed by George Cardas. You can check out more on this on the internet. Do a search for the golden ratio for audio uses
Enter 'room mode calculator' in google and enter golden ratio numbers and see that there are few bass nodes of note.

As a starting point for an all-new room, this is a very good way to go. Or, even to produce a low-resonance speaker enclosure.

Phi is one of the 'magic' numbers and has been known for centuries. Artists, architects, audio designers, and most importantly Nature herself have all made good use of this number.