positioning of a horn speaker

I have a pair of Tyler Acoustics PD 15 speakers that I am having trouble positioning. They have a 15 inch woofer and a flare type horn.I am having trouble with their imaging poor center fill with the image coming from both
R&L speakers. Are there any suggestions on positioning? I have never had a
pair of horn speakers.
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Try aiming the speakers about 2 feet in front of your listening chair so they cross in front of you.
Definitely too far apart to cause a lack in centre imaging and bass definition.

You will have to move them closer to each other, or sit really further away. Also as morningstaraudio mentioned toe them in so they cross in front of you. but I still feel that you will then lack the bass oomph!

my thoughts- move them closer to each other till the centre voice balances in weight and volume to the other instruments. too close togther will make the centre fill too prominent.
Also, you may want to look and make sure that the speaker wires are plugged in correctly. Crossed wires can screw up the imaging.