Tweaks for AudioEngine2 Desktop System?

Just opened up a new pair of AudioEngine2 powered speakers this afternoon. Very pleasantly surprised by how good they sound straight out of the box w/ my laptop on my desk at work.

Anybody suggestions for simple and relatively inexpensive improvements/tweaks? For example, any folks with these speakers bother to upgrade speaker wire or interconnects?

I think I will be making a modest upgrade in speaker cable as well.

The A2's do not have feet. Rather, there is a single large rubber pad on the bottom of each speaker.

I would like to get the tweeters close to my ears, or at least angle the speakers towards the listener's head. Any premade suggestions to achieve this goal? Are there short speaker stands made to sit on a desk?
Short speaker stands would be cool. Market opportunity here. You could also tilt the A2s upward. You could buy a sheet of Herbie's Thick Grungebuster and cut pieces to fit under the front edge. Maple platforms à la Mapleshade might be another option. They would not even have to be three inches thick, I think.
If somebody hasn't already made these, I think you are right about the market opportunity. A small stand, in theory, could be relatively inexpensive.

Does it make sense to upgrade the single visible speaker wire that connects one speaker to the other?
Wondering what the best way to adjust volume while using these speakers. The volume control is on the back of the monitors. "Quick start" instructions recommend starting with volume set at 3:00.

Let's say I'm using my iPod as a source. Better to lower volume on iPod? Or start with a stronger signal from the iPod and adjust volume as needed on speakers? If the second method is preferrable, is there a device that can be used/added to adjust volume on the speakers?
You'll have to experiment to see which volume control method sounds better, if either one does. IME putting the source at max and adjusting the amp volume has been the best, but YMMV as always.

I'm guessing that adding a remote volume control would be a big, big pain unless you got very lucky with component sizes and working space. Most convenient scenario is using the iPod's volume control, hope that works out to be best-sounding.

I think that 'single visible wire' is a mini-to-mini cable and if it is, an upgrade would make a difference.