Multiple "sales" of EAR 324?

My offer on the listed EAR 324 Phono Amp was accepted on Monday 4-7, and I sent Paypal immediately. I now see another Audiogon member has just left negative feedback for the same seller on a Phono Amp sale, and I'm wondering if the seller sold the EAR three times on Monday, to three separate buyers. Will the other two buyers come forward?
The seller has contacted me, saying that the first two sales were cancelled by he, the seller, because of Paypal problems with the buyer, the same person for both the earlier sales. The EAR is shipping tomorrow, the buyer has promised. I will be relieved when it arrives!
Josh informed me that the seller is indeed definitely "fraudulent", and that his Audiogon membership and access has been revoked. Damn! Yet the seller is still telling me the arm will ship tomorrow (Friday 4-10), and he will email me the tracking number. I guess I'll know for sure tomorrow.
Been there, done that. He sounds fraudulent to me. I had that same issue, and the seller kept promising to ship and send tracking information, stalling for time so that he could skip out with the cleared cash from PayPal.
It must work, I see a lot of these bogus, red flag items for sale on Audiogon these days. new seller, great price. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Fortuantely, I used PayPal, and got my money back.